IMPORTANT LEGAL NOTICE: As of January 1, 2024 New FinCEN Regulations Require Existing Companies to File Within One Year; New Companies Must File Within 90 Days of Creation or Registration.
The bipartisan Corporate Transparency Act, enacted in 2021 to curb illicit finance, now requires many companies doing business in the United States to report information about the individuals who ultimately own or control them. If you need assistance with filing your Beneficial Ownership Report, please call us!
Entity Formation
Form a new business in Texas or change your existing entity structure. SMB Legal Counsel is the small business law firm that helps you through every growth stage of your business. Entities we work with include:
Sole proprietorship/D.B.A
Limited Liability Company (LLC)
S Corp & C Corp
Commercial Contract
Enjoy full legal support for all your contract and initiative needs with our contract attorney. Let us help draft, modify, or review any contract you come across before signing or sending anything out. Contracts we work with include:
Joint venture agreement
Operating Agreements
Shareholder Agreements
Non-Disclosure Agreement
Service Contracts
Vendor Contracts
Buy-Sell Agreements
And more.
General Counsel
Hire a virtual general counsel and receive legal and strategic support on all corporate regulatory and compliance matters necessary to your business’s secure and sustainable growth. Our general counsel provides insight on
Compliance Planning
Information Governance
Contract management
Legal Strategy Planning
Marketing Legal review
The SMB Legal Counsel Difference
As a trusted business law firm in Texas and nationwide, we provide you with large-firm quality legal services while ensuring the attentiveness and attention only a boutique firm can provide.
We’re Local
Forming a new business in Texas or facing legal challenges with local clients and vendors? Work with a business attorney who understands local legislation.
We are a Team
We are not the law firm on retainer who never shows up. We hold ourselves accountable for providing all the legal support you may need.
We are Recognized
We are recognized by Super Lawyers®, a Thompson Reuters affiliate for our experience, conduct, and results.